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When Cyberstalking Becomes a Crime

Cyberstalking has emerged as a serious concern, combining elements of traditional stalking with online behavior. In Massachusetts, cyberstalking is recognized as a criminal offense with specific legal implications.

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How to Survive Probation

The first step to surviving probation is understanding the terms set by the court. These conditions are non-negotiable, and failing to comply can have serious consequences.

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The Validity of Eyewitness Testimony

Imagine that you are facing criminal charges for something you didn’t do because someone insists they saw you did it. And the most bizarre thing is that everyone seems to believe this person. Everyone but your attorney.

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Motions to Suppress: Getting Evidence Excluded

Facing criminal charges can be a surreal and intimidating experience, particularly when the prosecution stacks the deck against you with evidence they intend to use in court. If you find yourself in this situation, you may benefit from understanding the procedure and importance of 'Motions to Suppress.'

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Can I Get My Records Sealed?

As a criminal defense attorney practicing in the state of Massachusetts, I've encountered numerous clients curious about the possibility of sealing their criminal records. The truth is, our past mistakes can sometimes cast a long shadow over our present and future opportunities.

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Can Intoxication Be Used as a Valid Legal Defense?

Anyone who has ever been intoxicated as a result of alcohol or drugs can probably attest to the effect being in that state has on their decision-making abilities.

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What to Expect at Your Arraignment

If you are facing criminal charges, it is critical for you to understand what to expect throughout the criminal justice process, including an arraignment, which is essentially your first appearance in court.

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What Are the Rules on Self Defense in Massachusetts?

If you are facing criminal charges as a result of trying to defend yourself, your loved ones, or your property, you may consider using “self-defense” to avoid a conviction. However, there are times when claiming self-defense may do more harm than good, especially when used in instances where this defense does not apply.

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Mental Health and Criminal Defense

Being accused of a crime can be one of the most stressful and debilitating experiences one can face. This stress can especially be compounded if the accused has an underlying mental health disorder.

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What Is a Continuance Without a Finding in Massachusetts?

Facing criminal charges can be a stressful and confusing experience, especially if it is your first time being charged with a criminal offense. When trying to navigate the legal system, you may come across the term “Continuance Without a Finding” or “CWOF.”

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