If you have been charged with operating under the influence of alcohol or narcotics you could experience many restrictions on your personal freedoms, especially those involving your freedom behind the wheel. As a skilled criminal defense attorney with more than 20 years of experience, I have defended and protected the rights of countless clients in your shoes.
I have personally tried a not guilty verdict in hundreds of drunk driving cases in every court in Hamden, Hampshire, and Berkshire Counties and most courts in Worcester County, including a number of cases involving boating accidents. In many cases involving subsequent offenses, I have been able to obtain charge concessions which reduce the penalty from a 2nd offense to a first offense to get a person’s license back. Or, in 3rd to 5th offense cases may avoid significant avoid or result in significant reductions in jail or state prison sentences.
You may think that you can tackle this challenge alone, but this decision could significantly decrease your chances of achieving a successful outcome. Caselaw is always evolving in this area, especially concerning suppression due to an illegal stop and unreliable breath test results.
Drug crimes are often very serious and can have lasting effects on your life. Whether you have been charged with possession, possession with intent to distribute (selling), manufacturing, growing, or trafficking large quantities, I can help build a strong defense for your case as we seek a favorable result. This will which minimizes the impact on your future.
In Massachusetts, drug crimes are prosecuted severely by law enforcement and District Attorneys. Due to a continual increase in drug related crimes, the state and federal government have adopted firmer drug laws and legal punishments, which increase the sentences for any prior conviction substantially. So, it is critical that you fight every case to the fullest.
In my experience, narcotics officers employ some of the most threadbare and under-handed tactics to, stop a car, conduct a pat frisk or to obtain a search warrant, and I have had great success in both District and Superior Courts getting cases dismissed by exposing the truth of what really happened.
Mr. Pacella was an excellent attorney. Very knowledgeable and always very responsive.
Mr. Pacella was an excellent lawyer and was there for me every step of the way! He is a great guy and really cares.
By far the most determined and hard working lawyer. He is an expert on the law and will always do his best.
In my over twenty years of serving the community as a trusted defense attorney, I have represented men and women that have faced offenses that stem from a breakdown of marriage, dating, or other relationships. I have tried hundreds of these cases and have dismissed or plead many hundreds more. As a former domestic violence prosecutor, I understand the cycle of violence and what factors influence fact finders to conclude that the allegations are false. I can help you through your charge of sexual assault, rape, domestic violence, or if a restraining order has been placed against you.
Often, These crimes, if you are convicted, can have serious, long-lasting implications on your future. As a result, you need a strong, knowledgeable, and fearless advocate on your side to help protect your rights and defend your name. When it comes to the law, I do everything I can to help my clients achieve the best possible outcome.
If you are dealing with abuse allegations from a present or former spouse, partner, family member, neighbor, student, or significant other, you may feel like you have nowhere to turn. Domestic assault and battery charges are extremely common in the state of Massachusetts and can have serious implications. Many people are faced with false allegations of sexual assault and/or domestic violence in order to sway the outcome of custody and support in divorce proceedings.
These charges may also impact your financial advisor, nursing, teaching, or childcare licenses. I will also assist clients with ancillary mattes which stem from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) involvement, such as investigations and appeals. Schedule a free consultation with me today so you can receive the aggressive and skilled representation that you deserve.
I regularly represent men and women in all District and Superior courts throughout Western or Central Massachusetts in a wide variety of sexual crimes, including indecent assault and battery, statutory rape, forcible rape, and (aggravated) rape of an adult or child, open and gross lewdness, prostitution, lewd, wanton and lascivious acts, dissemination and possession of obscene materials, and pornography charges.
If you or a loved one has been charged with a sex crime, you need an experienced attorney who will listen to you, investigate thoroughly, and prove your case. You are likely experiencing a range of emotions, from fear and confusion to anger and outrage. Being accused of a sex crime is an extremely serious matter that has the potential for lifelong material consequences. Along with a possible lengthy prison sentence, hefty fees, and a criminal record, sex offenses carry the additional burden of requiring registration as a sex offender.
A sex offense conviction will have severe consequences on your life, employment, and even basic civil rights. It is absolutely critical that you retain the representation of a skilled sex crimes attorney. Your future depends upon it.
I will look closely into suspect police investigative practices to make sure that my client’s rights were not violated. In many cases, motion to suppress the evidence can be filed and successfully argued. I will do whatever is required to prove my client’s innocence.
If you were arrested anywhere in Western or Central Massachusetts, turn to me for trusted, aggressive criminal defense representation. I will work diligently to help you pursue a satisfying result.